Triple Bottom Chart Pattern (The Essential Guide)

This post is written by Jet Toyco, a trader and trading coach

At this point…

You’ve probably already learned a number of chart patterns reminiscent of the Double Bottom, Ascending Triangle, and the Inverse Head and Shoulders:

But as you realize…

Not all chart patterns work on a regular basis.

So, what do you have to do when these chart patterns fail?

triple bottom

What would you do when the range expands?

triple bottom

What do you have to trade the market by then?

triple bottom

This, my friend, is where the Triple Bottom is available in.

triple bottom

That is one among the least common chart patterns on the market, however it’s an important tool to maintain in your trading arsenal when markets are uncertain.

For this reason on this training guide you’ll learn:

  • An in-depth guide on how the Triple Bottom works
  • How NOT to approach Triple Bottoms (and what you must do as an alternative)
  • The RIGHT method to trade and analyze Triple Bottom patterns
  • A step-by-step process on tips on how to define and trade the Triple Bottom

Sounds good?

Then let’s start!

What the triple bottom is and the TRUTH on how it really works

Get able to witness the grand spectacle of the Triple Bottom, my friend! 

This pattern is sort of a superstar performer taking the stage with its unique flair. 

It starts with a neckline – the backbone of the entire shebang. 

triple bottom

After which, in a stunning display of market choreography…

Three bottoms strut their stuff, each playing their part on this charming formation:

triple bottom

It’s like a synchronized dance routine, in that it commands attention and sets the stage for some potential trading opportunities.

Pretty easy to discover, right?

So, now that you realize what the pattern looks like…

Why does the Triple Bottom pattern form anyway?

In case you’re wondering the identical thing then you definately’re on the fitting track my friend.

Because knowing the ‘why’ is more vital than the ‘what’!

So the primary reason this pattern forms is due to…

1. The indecisiveness of the market

Picture the market as a fickle character, unable to make up its mind. 

It’s like that friend who can never determine where to eat or what movie to look at. 

Enter the Triple Bottom pattern! 

This pattern emerges from the chaos of market indecisiveness:

triple bottom

It’s as if the market itself is saying, “I don’t have any clue which method to go!”

Are you able to see how the range kept on expanding on the instance above?

It’s like a moment of confusion frozen in time, giving traders a likelihood to capitalize on the upcoming resolution.

It’s as if the market itself is saying, “I don’t have any clue which method to go!” 

Are you able to see how the range kept on expanding on the instance above?

It’s like a moment of confusion frozen in time, however it gives traders like us a likelihood to capitalize on the upcoming resolution. 

So principally what we’re saying here is…

A Triple Bottom pattern is the results of the market’s indecisiveness.

But here’s an extra fact about this pattern…

2. It takes some time to develop

This pattern likes to take its own sweet time to develop.

But that just makes it a slow-cooked gourmet meal that’s well definitely worth the wait!

Like watching a suspenseful movie, knowledgeable viewers can anticipate the climax. 

The market tests your patience, teasing you with its subtle movements. 

But fear not, my trading friend!

For individuals who are willing to attend and observe…

The Triple Bottom offers a possible feast of profits. 

So, sit back, chill out, and let this pattern unfold its delicious trading opportunities in good time.

And the truth is, so as to add onto this principle, you possibly can make the most of the Triple Bottom pattern if… 

3. You missed the double-bottom pattern

In case you missed out on the Double Bottom pattern.

triple bottom

Then there’s still no have to wallow in regret, my fellow trader! 

Since the Triple Bottom pattern is here to avoid wasting the day, providing you with a second likelihood to affix the party.

triple bottom

It’s like finding a secret treasure chest while you thought all hope was lost. 

And in this fashion, the pattern presents an alternate entry point.

Almost as if the market is saying, “Hey, I’ve got your back, buddy!” 


I do know that it makes more sense to trade the Double Bottom pattern… but that each one is dependent upon in case you catch it, right?

In case you’re a conservative trader who needs more confirmation, it’s well value keeping an eye fixed out for the Triple Bottom. 

It’s a pattern that gives redemption, excitement and a shot at rocking those profit charts. 

Sounds good?

So, now that you realize what the Triple Bottom looks like and the way it really works…

Now’s the time to let me let you know how you must not trade it!

Because remember…

All trading patterns on the market have their strengths and weaknesses.

Don’t you agree?

Then keep reading…

The Biggest Mistake When Trading a Triple Bottom: Avoid These Pitfalls!


Let’s speak about the largest blunders you must avoid when tackling the Triple Bottom pattern. 


Let’s speak about the largest blunders you must avoid when tackling the Triple Bottom pattern.

Mistake #1: Trading in the midst of the triple bottom pattern

First up, trading contained in the range is like attempting to squeeze into an excessively tight pair of jeans.

Remember, a Triple Bottom occurs when the market is in a state of indecisiveness.

It’s behaving like a child in a candy store struggling to make a choice from all of the delicious options. 

So, resist the temptation to hop out and in of trades throughout the pattern’s range.

As a substitute…

Wait for the market to make its mind up!

So principally…

Avoid the center.

triple bottom

Give attention to the realm of value (a.k.a. support and resistance).

triple bottom

Easy, right?

But be ready – because here comes a paradox.

One other mistake when trading the Triple Bottom pattern is…

Mistake #2: Blindly trading the highs and lows

“Wait, what?”

“If we will’t trade the center of the Triple Bottom pattern, trading the highs and lows is a mistake too?”

Let me explain…

You see, Triple Bottoms are notorious for his or her mischievous false breakouts:

triple bottom

Because that’s what ranging markets do!

They expand, they contract, and a Triple Bottom can turn right into a quadruple bottom!

It’s like a prankster hiding within the shadows, able to jump out and startle you!

So, don’t blindly chase those highs and lows like a squirrel after nuts. 

As a substitute, what do you have to do?

Easy, wait for confirmation before diving headfirst right into a trade.

This implies waiting for the actual breakout to occur on the threerd bottom:

triple bottom

And entering when the worth closes back into the range, subsequently confirming the threerd bottom:

triple bottom

So, simply because the worth is on the highs and lows, it doesn’t mean that you must trade them immediately.

As a substitute, stay vigilant and wait for extra confirmation!

Next, a significant mistake traders make when trading the Triple Bottom pattern is…

Mistake #3: Using the double bottom pattern to call market direction

Now, let’s clear the air and debunk a standard misconception. 

The Triple Bottom pattern may develop into the lifetime of the party…

Nevertheless it’s not a psychic fortune-teller on the subject of market direction. 

Which means simply because you see a Triple Bottom doesn’t mean that the market is obligated to interrupt out higher. 

This could occur as well:

triple bottom

It’s like expecting a crystal ball to predict tomorrow’s lottery numbers—highly unlikely! 

So, don’t rely solely on the Triple Bottom to find out the market’s next move! 

Analyze other aspects and use the Triple Bottom pattern as a complementary tool reasonably than your sole indicator.

Finally, one mistake that a number of traders (even me) have missed out on is…

Mistake #4: Relying an excessive amount of on “textbook” triple bottoms

Let me explain…

In relation to triple bottoms, don’t get too hung up on textbook definitions.

triple bottom

This pattern is sort of a chameleon, donning different variations and surprising you at every turn.

It signifies that there are a selection of valid Triple Bottom patterns, just like the one you saw earlier:

triple bottom

In addition to this:

triple bottom

So, toss aside your rigid expectations and embrace the fantastic thing about its diverse forms.

Because what matters is the “sharp bottoms” you see in your chart!

Got it?

Now, you could be wondering…

“Alright man, I do know tips on how to spot the rattling pattern and what to not do when trading it”

“So, how do I trade it?”

And if that’s you talking, then now’s the time to shine.

As I’ll share with you three easy market moves to search for when trading the Triple Bottom pattern.


Then carry on reading!

Rock the Trading Dance Floor: The Best Moves for Triple Bottom Success

Able to shake up your trading game with the Triple Bottom pattern? 

Here’s a move that can make you the star of the dance floor: 

Be certain that the triple bottom is in an existing uptrend

It’s like joining a dance party where everyone’s already in a jubilant mood, able to boogie down. 

By aligning your trades with the prevailing uptrend…

triple bottom

You’re increasing your probabilities of success and moving to the rhythm of the market. 

Keep an eye fixed out for that uptrend like a seasoned dancer spotting the proper partner, and prepare to twirl and dip with the Triple Bottom pattern!

So now, let’s talk concerning the fancy footwork throughout the Triple Bottom pattern on what you must search for next…

Search for a false breakout or a buildup

Identical to a talented dancer throwing in unexpected tricks and moves, the Triple Bottom pattern can sometimes surprise us. 

While you spot a false break on the third bottom:


triple bottom

It’s like catching your dance partner teasing a dip but quickly rising back up with flair.

Which means it’s a signal that the pattern is able to steal the highlight.

triple bottom


In case you’ve:

  • missed entering the Double Bottom
  • missed trading the false breakout on the Triple Bottom

Then fret not, as you continue to have a likelihood!

Because in case you notice a buildup on the highs:

triple bottom

It’s like witnessing the moment before an electrifying lift. 

Because it’s an indication that the Triple Bottom is gearing up for an explosive breakout.

triple bottom

So, keep your eyes peeled for these snazzy moves, and prepare to unleash your trading prowess available on the market dancefloor!

Now at this point…

You have already got all the infinity stones to successfully trade the triple top bottom.

triple bottom

But as you realize…

Your infinity gauntlet’s effectiveness is dependent upon whether you possibly can wield it!

triple bottom

So, in case you’ve been trading similar patterns just like the Double Bottom for quite a while.

You’re all set!

But in case you want a straightforward and clear process on how you possibly can spot, trade, and manage the trade with the Triple Bottom…

Then keep reading for the grand finale.

Mastering the Triple Bottom: A Trading Strategy That Will Make You Dance in Profits!

Able to put your trading skills to the test with a straightforward yet effective triple-bottom strategy? 

Let’s break it down step-by-step.

Identical to learning a latest dance routine. 

Step #1: Start by identifying an uptrend on the day by day timeframe

Picture it as finding the proper rhythm that sets the mood for a charming performance. 

Search for those higher highs and better lows which are signifying a powerful upward movement. 

triple bottom

When you’ve locked onto that uptrend…

It’s time to maneuver on to the subsequent step and groove to the beat of the market!

Step #2: Discover a possible triple bottom on the 4-hour timeframe


Shift your focus to the 4-hour timeframe where the potential Triple Bottom pattern involves life.

Imagine it because the choreography of the dance, where each move has a purpose. 

Discover the Triple Bottom formation, consisting of the three distinct bottoms connected by a neckline:

triple bottom

It’s like spotting the synchronized footwork of a gaggle of dancers, creating an attention-grabbing pattern on the dancefloor. 

When you’ve spotted this Triple Bottom masterpiece in play, it’s time to organize for the proper trading entry!

Step #3: Trade the false break at the threerd bottom

That is like executing a shocking spin or a fast change in direction that leaves everyone in awe. 

When the market momentarily breaks below the third bottom but quickly bounces back up…

triple bottom

It’s a signal that the pattern is able to take center stage. 

So jump in together with your trade, riding the upward momentum like a seasoned dancer stealing the limelight. 

triple bottom

Remember, timing is essential.

Wait for that false break and strike when the iron is hot!

Step #4: Scale in on the breakout of the buildup on the neckline

It’s time to amplify your trading performance.

‘How?’ you might ask.

Easy, by scaling in on the breakout of the buildup on the neckline. 

triple bottom

Picture it as a grand lift within the dance routine, where the energy soars to latest heights.

When the worth breaks out above the neckline with conviction, it’s an indication that the Triple Bottom is about to unleash its full potential.

And when this happens, what do you have to do?

Well, add to your position, constructing upon your initial trade and maximizing your profit potential

triple bottom

It’s like a crescendo within the music.

And importantly, this breakout offers a chance to ride the wave of success!

Step 5: Trail your stop loss using a 20-period moving average

Now that you simply’re within the trade…

How do you have to manage it?

On this case, I suggest trailing your stop loss using a 20-period moving average.

triple bottom

This indicator is like having a reliable dance partner who ensures your safety on the dance floor. 

As the worth moves in your favor, trail your stop loss using this dynamic indicator to guard your gains.

triple bottom

It’s a method to lock in profits while still allowing room for the market to groove its way as much as higher levels. 

Stay nimble and versatile, adjusting your stop loss because the rhythm of the market evolves!

And here’s something else you must know…

You usually have the liberty to make a choice from Step 3 or Step 4.

In case you’re a dangerous trader? 

You’ll be able to try each steps 3 and 4.

In case you’re a conservative trader?

You’ll be able to enter when the worth breaks out the neckline (step 4).

In case you’re in between?

You’ll be able to consider step 3 and as an alternative of scaling in, you possibly can scale out on step 4.

Sounds good?

So, placed on your trading shoes, practice those steps, and let this straightforward Triple Bottom strategy be your ticket to trading success! 


In conclusion…

The Triple Bottom pattern is a robust tool within the trader’s arsenal by offering a second (or perhaps a third) likelihood for individuals who can have missed the Double Bottom opportunity. 

Moreover, this may also be an amazing pattern to master when trading and analyzing ranging markets.

At any rate, here’s what you’ve learned in today’s guide…

  • The Triple Bottom pattern offers a second likelihood for traders who missed the Double Bottom opportunity.
  • It consists of a neckline and three distinct bottoms, forming during market indecision and taking time to develop.
  • Avoid common mistakes like trading contained in the range and relying an excessive amount of on textbook patterns.
  • The very best method to trade Triple Bottoms is to align with an existing uptrend and look ahead to false breaks on the lows, or buildups on the highs.
  • A straightforward trading strategy includes identifying the uptrend, spotting the Triple Bottom formation, trading the false break, scaling in on the breakout, and trailing stop loss using a 50-period moving average.

That was pretty packed, right?

So, here’s what I need to know…

Have you ever traded double or Triple Bottoms before?

Also, what are your favorite chart patterns except for the Triple Bottom?

Let me know within the comments below!

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