How To Trade For A Living (With Peter Brandt)

Now, simply to share something with you…

I actually have 2 grandfathers.

One passed on before I used to be born. And the opposite passed away after I was 10 years old.

So after I spoke to Peter on the show, it felt like talking to a grandfather I never had.

It was heartwarming, enlightening, and galvanizing.

So, here’s what we covered during our conversation:

1. What was life like after WW2 (the roles he did, the type of kid he was in class, etc.

2. How he got began in trading

3. His favorite chart patterns and those he avoids

4. How he has been profitable with it over the past 50 years

5. Entries, stop loss, targets, trade management (from start to complete)

6. Risk management and position sizing

7. And far more…

Sounds good?

Then go listen at once…

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